Symposium The 1882 Foundation organizes a gathering of Chinese American museums, historical societies and public and private agencies once a year in Washington DC. The annual events are called the “1882 Symposium.” 1882 Symposium VIII Session 2: Innovative Practices in Museums & beyond for Commemoration & Healing Conferences Symposium VIII, Symposium 1882 Symposium VIII Session 1: How do Museums Best Serve Communities in Times of Change? Conferences Symposium VIII, Symposium Michelle of History Pin (Part of: 1882 Symposium VII – 150 Years Later: From Invisible to Visible) Conferences Symposium VII, Symposium Ting-Yi Oei (Part of: 1882 Symposium VII – 150 Years Later: From Invisible to Visible) Conferences Symposium VII, Symposium Gregory Yee Mark (Part of: 1882 Symposium VII – 150 Years Later: From Invisible to Visible) Conferences Symposium VII, Symposium Building Collaborations through Digital Storytelling Panel Q&A (Part of: 1882 Symposium VII) – 150 Years Later: From Invisible to Visible Conferences Symposium VII, Symposium RJ of Plain Talk History (Part of: 1882 Symposium VII- 150 Years Later: From Invisible to Visible) Conferences Symposium VII, Symposium Roundtable: Listing Summit Tunnel on National Registry of Historic Places – Part5 Conferences Symposium VII, Symposium Roundtable: Listing Summit Tunnel on National Registry of Historic Places – Part4 Conferences Symposium VII, Symposium 123»Page 1 of 3