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You are currently viewing OCA Fund Raiser with Richard On, guitarist from Of A Revolution (O.A.R.)

Dear Friends and Colleagues of Talk Story,

OCA-DC (www.ocadc.org) is a membership based national organization of over 100 chapters and affiliates dedicated to advancing the social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans (APA). APAs are the fastest growing population in the country, and in the Greater Washington, DC area, there are nearly 600,000 APAs. With our community growing, there is a need for programs that are tailored to APAs who live and work in the DC area. OCA-DC programs address this gap through programs like 1882 Foundation’s Talk Story, which educates and raises awareness of the APA history and experience through dialogue and learning.

Please support us and attend the upcoming Talk Story fundraising event coming up on March 25th detailed below, spreading the word to your networks, and/or if you can’t attend, please also consider making an online contribution at http://www.crowdrise.com/talkstoryrichardon.

Here’s how you can help:

1.) ATTEND THE EVENT and TELL YOUR NETWORKS ABOUT IT: If you live in the DC area, bring your friends/colleagues and join us on March 25th to meet and hear from Richard On, guitarist from the band Of A Revolution (O.A.R.), as he shares his story about life as a musician, his travels around the world, and life as an Asian American growing up in Rockville, MD.

 When: Tuesday March 25, 2014 at 6:00 pm

Where: Case Foundation, 1717 Rhode Island Ave, NW Washington, DC

Cost: $20 (cash, check, and Paypal payment will be accepted at the door). 

RSVP at http://talkstoryfundraiser.eventbrite.com

or Share on Facebook :www.facebook.com/events/1477396162481225

2.) DONATE ONLINE: You can support our Talk Story Event even if you can’t be there by making a tax deductible donation of any amount at http://www.crowdrise.com/talkstoryrichardon

Your donation is truly appreciated! OCA-DC has a lot of activities planned for 2014 including an education forum with the U.S. Department of Education in April, feeding the homeless at Shepherd’s Table in November, and our Annual Honors Award Gala in November.You can also make a general tax deductible contribution of any amount to support our other work and upcoming events by visiting our Crowdrise page at:http://www.crowdrise.com/ocadc.

Thank you for your generosity! If you have questions, please contact OCA-DC’s Vice President of Economic Development at czarina.biton@ocadc.org


Stan Lou