[The Chinese American Citizens Alliance presents awards to Senator Scott Brown and Representative Judy Biggert for their valiant support in passing the Senate and House Expressions of Regret Resolutions for exclusion laws, including the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act.
Ted Gong, Co-Chair of the 1882 Project and President of the C.A.C.A. DC Lodge, represented Grand President Carolyn Chan and C.A.C.A. Grand Lodge in making the presentations to Senator Brown on December 7 and Representative Biggert on December 14. He eloquently shared the following remarks on our behalf. — Carolyn Chan, President]
The Chinese American Citizens Alliance is one of the oldest Asian American civil rights organizations in the United States. It was originally formed in 1895 in response to anti-Chinese prejudices and racist legislation like the Chinese Exclusion Laws. These laws, first enacted in1882 and repeatedly in increasing harshness, were not rescinded until 1943. They were rescinded for political military reasons. Congress has never apologized nor acknowledged the harm and injustice of these laws until resolutions were passed in the Senate and House of Representatives this year –130 years after the 1882 Act.
It is with a great deal of humility that I can stand here representing an organization that has fought for over a hundred years for the rights and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of individuals and families affected by these horrible laws. And it is with a great deal of honor that I have been asked to present to you a plaque of appreciation for your courage and leadership in making possible the resolutions. These resolutions not only allow us to remember and honor our forebears and their struggles in the United States, but they allow us to reaffirm faith in a government and its fundamental American values and principles that have made this nation and it’s diverse people so strong and worthy of our struggles.
On behalf of the Chinese American alliance and a grateful community, I am pleased to present you this plaque signed by our National President Carolyn Chan.