You are currently viewing Covid-19 Vaccines

Dear Community Leaders:

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the AAPI community has been disproportionately affected. Asian American are overrepresented in frontline and essential workers and had one of the highest unemployment rates in August 2020 and have been the victims of an unprecedented spike in anti-Asian violence.   Vaccine hesitancy has prevented most of the nation from returning back to normal in a timely manner. Barriers to receiving the vaccine may be related to limited English proficiency, mis-information, lack of information or lack of access to adequate healthcare and government relief resources.  Although estimates show about 67% of the AAPI community have received at least one dose of the vaccine, it also means that 33% remain unvaccinated.  (Kaiser Family Foundation) C.A.C.A. has been particularly concerned about the unvaccinated populations of the API community.

We are currently trying to help these populations by encouraging ways to dispel myths about the vaccine and to support spreading more knowledge. Is this vaccine safe? Can I return to normal daily activities after I’m vaccinated?

How can we help our community?

As leaders in the community, we can get the word out about the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccine.  We all need to do our part to stop the pandemic.

Attached is COVID vaccine information that I hope you can distribute among your network of friends and associates.

Thank you!

Melanie, National President, Chinese American Citizens Alliance